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Azure, Private & Hybrid Cloud

Home Our Services Cloud Azure, Private Cloud & Hybrid Cloud

Private Cloud

Secure Manchester Based Datacentre

We can offer hosting in multiple datacentres located in Manchester. This option typically carries more flexibility in terms of scaling up/down your cloud resources, which can make this a more cost-effective option if your needs change frequently. 


Our customers tend to go for this option for data compliance reasons, should you wish to have more control of where and how your data is stored. With Cloud10’s migration readiness assessment, we can advise if this is the best option for you, giving you an open and transparent view of the costs and benefits.

Chat with one of our friendly, experts about Private Cloud Option.

Microsoft Azure

Public Cloud

Keep your organisation at the technological forefront by migrating workloads to Microsoft Azure with Cloud10 and enjoy all of the benefits it can bring. These include enhanced flexibility, redundancy and scalability. We can help get the ball rolling for you with our Azure migration readiness assessment.

Chat with one of our friendly, experts about Azure Cloud migration.

Hybrid Cloud

Best of both Worlds

In some instances there will be benefit in utilising a mixture of both Public and Private Cloud. 

There are many reasons for doing this hybrid approach, a couple of examples might be due to constraints with cloud hosting or differing cloud requirements for parts of your business.

Whatever the reason our experts will be able to advise on the best approach.

Chat with one of our friendly, experts about Hybrid Cloud

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